1. What kind of scenarios can The ark help with?
The Ark is designed to assist in all survival situations, from wilderness survival to urban emergencies. It provides guidance on things like shelter-building, first aid, and finding food and water. Whether you're lost or in a crisis, The Ark will help you make critical survival decisions using proven techniques.
2. Does it include maps or GPS functionality?
The device is currently in development, but it is our intent to add a map of the entire world. This will complement The Ark’s star-based navigation and landmark-based techniques, helping you orient yourself no matter where you are. The goal is to provide the most comprehensive offline navigation system for your survival needs.
3. Can I use The ark to communicate with others in an emergency?
While The Ark currently teaches emergency signaling methods like Morse code and improvised radios, we plan to add offline, encrypted text messaging soon. This will allow communication directly from one device to another, even without internet access. We’re working on making this a secure and effective way to stay connected in emergencies.
4. Wouldn't an EMP render the device useless?
We are aware of the EMP risk and are actively addressing it. To protect The Ark’s electronics, we plan to implement a Faraday cage in future versions of the device. This will help shield the internal components and ensure The Ark remains functional in a variety of scenarios.
5. Can it recognize edible plants?
While we plan to add camera support for identifying edible plants, The Ark currently provides detailed written instructions on how to identify which plants are safe to eat. These instructions cover key survival topics like foraging, recognizing edible foliage, and avoiding common plant-related mistakes. We're working on expanding these features to make The Ark an even more reliable survival tool.
6. Can I add my own information?
Yes! Eventually, users will be able to add their own data sets when interacting with The Ark’s AI. This will allow for personalized survival knowledge and updates as new information becomes available, ensuring that The Ark remains as relevant and useful as possible.
7. When will The Ark be released?
The Ark is currently in the beginning development stages, but we plan to ship devices before the end of this year. If you want to support our growth and help make this mission a reality, please join our mailing list and share us with others to show interest to our investors. Your support is essential and may very well save someone’s life one day.